Saturday, 11 February 2012

FFS Friday - the Are You Kidding Me? Edition

Right. So we're here. We're (mostly) unpacked. One kid at school, one started daycare part time, hubby in his new job. Things should be good right?

Well, mostly.
There's been a few tear my hair out, blood boiling, "Are You Fucking KIDDING MEEE??" moments. More than a few.

Cue ranty tanty.

Tiger took to her new school like a duck to water, after I did a "drop and go" on the first day because she's in year 5 and I figured she didn't need mummy to hold her hand. It was a confidence building experience, with much behind the scenes love.

She seemed happy and enthusiastic, but it was not going to last. Last Friday she came down with our nasty flu and I kept her home from school, emailed her teacher. All good. I asked vaguely for her diary all weekend... and got very suspicious on Monday morning when I was STILL asking for the fourth time. Turns out there was a bad behaviour note written in it. 

She had been hiding it from me deliberately which is something I get really riled about. My rules have always been "I don't care what you did but for god's sake own up and tell the truth". It seems none of this has got through, at all.

Turns out that wasn't the first note. She actually removed one which was sticky taped in on the SECOND DAY. And it involved harassment of another student, something she's never done before. And it took me at least three goes to get the truth from her, because it seems lying is the new black.

 Frog has screamed for almost two weeks straight. From angel to screaming demon spawn in point oh five seconds.

Her sleeping has suffered badly... well in truth MY seeping has suffered badly as she keeps hopping into our bed at midnight. I expected a bit of trouble with the big move, but unfortunately she is now big enough that I don't fit, and she wriggles INCESSANTLY. 

WonderMan had to start a new job this week, meaning slightly more travel, putting paid to my idea of getting up early in the morning for a stagger run. If I want to I would have to be running at 5:30am and that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of.

His boss decided WonderMan really needs his B-Double licence ASAP. Meaning long days, long trips, and nights away. Exactly what I have been desperately trying to get him to avoid.

I am pretty sure I am developing serious anxiety just thinking about it. Some stupid hawkers banged on the door two days ago and I am STILL trying to stop the panic attacks they caused by giving me visions of policemen on the doorstep with their hats in their hands. They are very lucky I was too beside myself to murder them.

 I had a 2pm appointment at the doctor yesterday. At 3:40 I barreled out the door twenty minutes late for my appointment at the school. 

The first teeny tiny step on the road to putting my body back together starts with two follow ups, one xray, and one day surgery procedure. This is going to take A VERY LONG TIME.

WonderMan seems to have forgotten that I don't take that chauvinist pig, I-worked-eight-hours-I-now-get-to-sit-on-my-arse-all-night bullshit.

He has taken exactly ZERO responsibility for house, dog, kids, life since the move. I hate nagging. But I'm not going to do the job for him because them it becomes my job and he will never do it again. EVER.

He also seems to have forgotten that my wallet doesn't have a genie in it and is acting like all our financial problems are magically solved. He's been going through it at an insane rate. At this stage I am going to have to open secret accounts and start giving him pocket money like he's four years old. I really don't need another child thank you.
I've been very calm and grown up about most things so far. But if he rolls his eyes at me one more time when I say "We need to talk about some stuff" there WILL be murder done.

 A cat has decided it belongs to us and keeps hanging around. The dog thinks it's a playmate, and half heartedly woofs and scoots around after it only when he sees the murderous glint in my eyes as I shout "FFS what kind of guard dog ARE you!?!?"

Well that was cheaper than MOFO therapy.

This post is linked up with Dear Baby G

Dear Baby G


  1. Rant well deserved! If they know what's good for them they better all pull their socks up and get their shit together, yes that means the random cat too :)

    1. Random cat disappears and reappears about every two days. The dog has given up pretending he is pissed off and now tries to play with it. He is the definition of useless!

  2. I love reading your FFS posts! Wishing you the best upcoming week - and hoping that the list isn't as long next week.

    Mwah lovely - only a month or so before we rock it at DP!

    1. So far this week is going better - just six more days to go!!

  3. Ummm I think you are Wonder Woman and WM needs to pull his socks up a little :) I hope it has all settled down a little this week for you x

    1. Lots of sock pulling going on here.... not enough to get me a Nesspresso for my birthday though... RATS!


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