Monday, 7 May 2012

Muhnday Schmunday

Hello Monday.

Yeah, that's what this little black duck looks like on any given Monday.

But despite the Monday air, I managed to kick butt and achieve something.

I let my excuses go and finally sorted and tidied Tiger's room.

She has been living with "moving box furniture" since we got here and I was so disappointed with myself for leaving it this long.

The problem is hers is the only room without built ins, so there's just nowhere to put anything. She has a toybox bookcase, a dresser and a desk. I sorted her books and stored some in the box compartment, leaving some room for her special things that she wants to display and also wants to keep out of grabby three year old Frog hands. 

I also used some bright baskets to add some colour between now and when we style her room and start purchasing some new furniture down the track. She now has a place for her crafts, a basket with toys that are safe for grabby Frog hands, and one for her ever expanding collection of shoes (JUST like her mumma!).

Sunday was spent cutting out Frog's birthday dress, and deciding on fabric for a birthday gift for Tiger's friend who is having a sleepover party on the same weekend. I started sewing today and hopefully will get my sewing room tidied later this week!

I'm sticking to my Buy Nothing New In May challenge - with a couple of small exceptions:

 the printable party pack for Frog's birthday, which I bought from Etsy, and I found cheaper than budgeted (why pay double just to add four letters to a banner that I am going to print myself??);

and some stuffing and various sized wooden beads to finish the birthday gift. It was a case of a few dollars to make something individual and special, or buying a random gift for a lot more dollars.
I managed an afternoon snooze without the complete system shutdown that normally results.

I even remembered my OSHC advisory meeting tonight and am now propped up with a cup of strong coffee trying to digest the new NQS documents. If I don't blog tomorrow you know my brain has exploded.

So on balance I think I'm winning, but I'll still step carefully over the next hour and a half in case Monday is hiding in wait, to pounce on me in my unsuspecting smugness.



  1. Mondays have no mercy.
    After such a productive weekend, though, you deserve to have a great week! I don't know which I admire more - that you sorted out your daughter's room (if she's anything like my daughter this is not a job for the faint-hearted) or that you are hand-sewing a party dress! You go, girl!

    1. I'm going to get a tshirt made with that! "Mondays have no mercy" GOLD!

  2. Progress.... hope your party goes off with a lot of happy kidlets. xo

    1. Progress indeed :) I'm sure it's going to be a great party, maybe I'll even get the last party photos up before it happens!!


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